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Love Oracle >>
Work Oracle >>
Money Oracle >>

Here you can make a reading from the oracle of the mirror hours. It is able to give you information about many areas, such as love, work and money.

To take advantage of this free consultation, simply click on the green button corresponding to the area of your choice. You will then be redirected directly to the page where you can perform your oracle reading.

We've chosen to use the double mirror hours, as they allow us to provide you with a more complete interpretation than the reverse and triple mirror hours. In fact, as you can see from their complete meanings, we use the study of guardian angels, numerology and the Tarot de Marseille to produce our interpretation.

The Mirror Hours Have a Message for You!

How does the mirror hour oracle work?

The Oracle of the Hours is made up of the 24 mirror hours 01:01 02:02 03:03 04:04 05:05 06:06 07:07 08:08 09:09 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 00:00

When you make an oracle reading, it brings out a double hour accompanied by its interpretation. It's a simple medium for receiving information about both your present and your future.

Access to the hour oracle is free and unlimited - we want as many people as possible to be able to consult it for free. You can use it whenever and wherever you like, from your phone, tablet or computer.

Introduction to the Oracle of the Mirror Hours

The mirror hours: those mystical moments when the hour and minutes of the clock are symmetrical.

Man has been fascinated by this phenomenon ever since the advent of digital clocks, where such occurrences are possible, and thus these encounters - enigmatic and full of meaning.

For centuries, these temporal synchronicities have been regarded as signals, messages addressed to us or to the universe, or as communications from our subconscious.

Understanding the numerological significance and vibration of the mirror hours can deepen our understanding of their meaning.

For example, people may think that seeing 11:11 is a spiritual wake-up call, or a reminder that our thoughts manifest our reality.

The Mirror Hour Oracle is part of this tradition of interpreting signs and symbols.

He presents himself as a modern-day guru of the mirror hours, using all the symbolic wealth of the time to give advice and enlightenment on issues considered fundamental to life: love, work, money.

The oracle combines the age-old wisdom of guardian angels with deep numerology and the most mysterious arcana of the Tarot de Marseille.

It offers a window onto the subtle messages that the universe wants us to know. In just one draw, the Oracle des Heures Miroirs can give you all the information you need for the present, and even some insights into the future.

Whether you want to delve deeper into emotional issues, professional problems in the workplace, or take even wiser control of your finances, the oracle adds an extra dimension to the search for answers.

These open discussions are free and have been created so that anyone can connect to these cosmic signals at any time, from any place, and draw personal meaning from them.

So it's the Oracle of the Mirror Hours that shines a light on curious souls and minds in search of direction.

It represents a concrete connection between our daily reality and the great universe of spiritual possibilities, enabling us to move towards a greater knowledge of the unfolding of our lives.

How to use the Oracle of the Mirror Hours?

The Mirror Hour Oracle is a divination tool designed to create clear guidance and pathways into the essences of your life.

It's a clear three-step process to bring clarity to love, work and money.

Here's how to proceed with an effective Mirror Hour Oracle reading to leave with personal insight and rewards.

Step 1: Choose your area of life

The first step is to choose the area of life you'd like advice on.

The Mirror Hour Oracle has three main areas of life: Professional life, family life and social life.

Love : The dynamics of your past and present relationships, your feelings, and how you can develop love in your life.

Work: in case you need guidance regarding your professional choices, certain career paths, or development opportunities.

Money: To clarify your financial situation, investment decisions or the management of your resources. Targeted questioning of the Oracle in any of these areas will make the Oracle's answer focused and relevant.

Step 2: Start the free draw

Once you've selected your area, click on the corresponding button to start your reading.

This action is the heart of your consultation with the Oracle of the Mirror Hours.

This reading is performed by invoking the Universe through the mirror hour you've drawn, so that it displays and carries out a given message tailored to your question.

Step 3: Receive your answer

You can read the oracle's answer on the spot once the draw has been made. For each mirror hour revealed, you'll find a detailed explanation in relation to the area of life you've chosen.

The answer reveals the current and future energies influencing the situation and gives you a clear direction.

You are now invited to ask a specific question that will help you personalize your experience with the oracle.

Focusing your questioning makes the draw more relevant and, as a result, the guidance you receive will be more appropriate to your current needs and aspirations.

This really helps you to better understand the messages the universe is trying to communicate to you through the mirror hours.

Mirror hour love oracle

Love Oracle >>

The Love Oracle offers you the opportunity to link your emotional experiences with the messages contained in the synchronic universe of the mirror hours.

So, whether you're looking for true love in your life, a reflection of your current relationship, or simply want to know how you feel, the Love Oracle should be able to enlighten you and guide you towards a most satisfying emotional future.

Tips for your emotional future: Pay attention to the messages: each hour of the mirror has a corresponding contextual message.

For example, when it's 22:22, it may signify a period of necessary reflection on the committed relationship.

Openness and letting go: open your heart to the wisdom expressed by the Oracle, and be ready to let go of anything that doesn't serve the most mature expression of your emotional well-being.

Serenity in the quest for love: Be serene in your quest for love, knowing that the universe is with you, pushing you toward what's best.

Guardian angels are a great help when it comes to love. They use the richly instructive mirror hours to help us find our balance.

Whatever your love situation, you'll find a message here to help you approach your emotional future with serenity.

Oracle mirror hour work

Work Oracle >>

The professional world: An Oracle of the Mirror Hours will be very useful in your professional field as a guide to life at work, ambitions, and how to overcome difficulties.

The Mirror Hours can explain when it's time to act, change direction or persevere in your efforts.

Angelic Advice for the Professional World Sign Interpretation: A Mirror Hour like 11:11 can signal a moment of innovation or the launch of new projects.

Align your goals: Use the Work Oracle's messages to align your professional actions with your long-term career goals.

Overcome obstacles: The oracle can also reveal how to turn challenges into opportunities for professional growth.

Mirror hour money Oracle

Money Oracle >>

The Mirror Hour Money Oracle helps you understand how your finances are evolving and what strategies you can put in place to make them more secure and prosperous.

The mirror hours related to money can be indicated to help you correct certain aspects of your financial life.

The money oracle gives you advice and strategies for financial security

Financial outlook: Specific mirror hours may indicate the need to review your budgets, investments or debts.

Action and planning: The Oracle advises accurate planning with solid execution to build the foundation for achieving your financial goals.

Prosperity: Be aware, live consciously and open yourself up to all the signals of abundance to come, responding to every indication and every opportunity to improve the conditions of your financial life.

Reliability of the mirror hour oracle

Like all oracles, the Oracle des Heures Miroirs is reliable for its intended interpretation and use.

This oracle works through the resonance of universal energies with your own intuition, giving you insights that can guide you effectively in different areas of life.

Judicious interpretation and comparison with Tarot Judicious use: Approach the Oracle with an open but critical mind, always bearing in mind that the messages you receive are guides to be followed, but should never be taken as gospel truths.

Compared to Tarot, the Oracle des Heures Miroirs deck works in exactly the same way.

Both decks have a profoundly supportive underlying effect; their reliability is attributable to the interpretation and action of the consultant.

In a nutshell, the Oracle des Heures Miroirs presents itself as a source of spiritual guidance, and can provide spiritual advice and direction in all aspects of life.

A path to self-knowledge and spiritual guidance

The Oracle of the Mirror Hours proves invaluable in the personal quest for meaning, direction and spiritual growth.

Meditation on the messages and synchronicities revealed in this oracle will lead to an intimate conversation with the universe, discussing the hidden truths of life's path and self.

The 72 Angels Oracle extends this conversation into your practice, connecting you more deeply to the energies of the angels and their infinite wisdom.

Together, these two oracles will help you dive much deeper into understanding life's experiences, challenges and joys.

And I encourage you to meet this Oracle of the Mirror Hours and the 72 Angels as fellow travelers on the path of your development - personal and spiritual.

You open yourself to their guidance to experience the transformation that is so powerful, and at the same time have the inner peace to live life with new focus and harmony.

Reversed Mirror Hours

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Triple Mirror Hours

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