Below is the meaning of the mirror hour 01:01. From this you will learn to understand the message that is being sent to you by this twin hour that is made up of a double “01”.

When a mirror hour like 01:01 is seen and starts to present itself regularly, it is natural to try to find out what it means. A synchronicity registered by our subconscious can sometimes send us a message, but first we need to understand what that message is!

Mirror Hour Oracle >>

For this we can use several tools or methods of divination. These will help us to create a more complete and accurate picture of what is being said. You will therefore learn what the hour 01:01 means, whether it is by studying the angels, by using numerology, or by using the Tarot of Marseilles.

Significance of 01:01 with the Guardian Angels

If you have seen the mirror hour 01:01, then that means that a guardian angel wants to tell you that someone is in love with you. Check in with yourself and try to find the time to analyze your feelings when you think about someone in particular. You should then be able to figure out who the person is.

However this can also be a warning and indicates that solitude and isolation are not good positions for you to take right now. Social contact is paramount to your life’s balance. If you are looking for love you should be prepared to explore new grounds, because it is in a new environment that your “special someone” can be found!

01:01 brings to light a strong personality, however be careful not to fall into egocentricity. You are certainly worthy of interest from those close to you, but starting all of your sentences with “Well I...” may quickly annoy the people in your family, as well as in your workplace.

Finally, if you have important responsibilities, the mirror hour 01:01 shows that you are in a position of leadership, and that to you, working in a team is of second nature. A paternal or maternal energy emanates from your character and this makes you a reliable and respected leader. At the same time take care, as your charisma and your strong personality have the potential to unsettle some people.

Mirror Hour 01:01 Love Meaning

When you cross 01:01, it's as if destiny is giving you a sign, inviting you to welcome renewal into your love life.

That numerical sequence, in turn, is something like a breath of pure, fresh air filled with promise, that now is the time to finally peer into the future with hope and excitement, ready to finally say goodbye to all of the sorrows and failures of the past in order to venture into new adventures of the heart.

New beginnings in love

01:01 is like receiving an invitation to restart, to make a fresh start in the affairs of the heart.

This hour will tell you that it is time to close the page, heal old wounds, and go ahead with greater boldness and confidence toward what the time of tomorrow will place in front of you.

It reminds one that at every new moment, he stands a chance to start all over again, meet new souls crossing your path, and weave love in a way that speaks to the person you've become.

Letting Go and Healing

01:01 is a powerful call to let go, to leave behind the chains of the past and fully embrace the future of love.

That's part of opening yourself freely to love: releasing these old burdens. In this way, you can find healthier, more fulfilling relationships that are free from the shadows of the past.

Taking the time to heal and rebuild yourself means preparing to welcome love in all its splendor and diversity.

Optimism and Hope in Love 

01:01 reminds us of the importance of maintaining a positive and hopeful vision of love, even after weathering storms.

Optimism and hope are precious assets in your quest for true love. Let your heart be open for new encounters, believe unshakably in the possibility of sincere relationships, and believe that the Universe has love in store for you, which will fill you with happiness, content, and fulfillment.

Angelic Interpretation of the Hour 01:01

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The guardian angel corresponding with 01:01 is Elemiah, whose period of influence is between 01:00 and 01:20. He is the symbol of success! He protects you and gives you the desire to make major changes in your life. He will allow you to make a fresh start. He is the guide who follows you if you are progressing in a creative field.

With the guardian angel Elemiah you can accomplish great things. You can explore new turns on your life's path. He spreads inner peace within you and allows you to quickly identify those people who would seek to betray you.

Influence of the Archangels on 01:01

Hours: From 01:00 to 02:00 – Archangel: Zaphkiel – Planetary Energy: Saturn

Hours: From 01:00 to 02:00 – Archangel: RaphaelPlanetary Energy: The Sun

Hours: From 01:00 to 02:00 – Archangel: Gabriel – Planetary Energy: The Moon

Hours: From 01:00 to 02:00 – Archangel: Camael – Planetary Energy: Mars

Hours: From 01:00 to 02:00 – Archangel: Michael – Planetary Energy: Mercury

Hours: From 01:00 to 02:00 – Archangel: Zadkiel – Planetary Energy: Jupiter

Hours: From 01:00 to 02:00 – Archangel: Haniel – Planetary Energy: Venus

What does 01:01 mean in Numerology?

The total value of the mirror hour 01:01 is 2, which is the symbol of love’s union. Your emotional life is on the move, so be prepared! If you are single then this signifies a meeting, a commitment, or a confirmation. If you are already in a relationship with someone, you will pass an important milestone such as a marriage proposal or the birth of a child.

Your talents for diplomacy allow you to resolve a great number of conflicts. This position as mediator or intermediary gives you some fantastic opportunities which could lead to a partnership in your professional life.

The number 2 is also about sensitivity, or even hypersensitivity, as well as psychic abilities. This explains why you sometimes find it difficult to control certain emotions. Coming across the hour 01:01 indicates that you should take a step back in your life to keep your emotional balance in check as much as possible.

Your superior intuition allows you to quickly get a sense of the people or situations that you come across. But this ability to anticipate can sometimes be the source of relationship problems and create a feeling of impatience within you.

Connection between 01:01 and the Tarot

The Tarot arcanum corresponding with 01:01 is the Magician. He represents setting off and starting out. He shows that you demonstrate creativity, that you are energetic, and that you have a sense of initiative which might surprise people!

The Magician card shows that you are entering into a new cycle; whether it be the start of a love affair or positive changes in your current relationship. This will also be the case in your working life, within which you are going to have new ideas, initiate new projects, and find solutions to complex problems.

If this arcana is drawn in the reverse, it represents manipulation. As a magician he will embellish upon reality, or even lie to reach his goals. You should be wary of a person around you who might be hiding the truth!

The Magician confirms that you are entering a new phase in your love life. You are going to meet someone important, or your current romantic relationship will be given new life.


In your professional life, if you were planning to change jobs then now is a good time, especially if you are progressing in the fields of commerce or education.


On the financial side, this card announces good news about a property transaction or a banking negotiation.

Any comment on the 01:01 mirror hour?

92 responses to “01:01”

  1. Thank you my angels! Am so grateful. Am leaving my country going to another country indeed its a new start new circle please be with me my angels I need another miracle here

  2. I tank u blessed of the highest truth my universe. As i welcome my good and nurishing angel Elemiah the symbol of success whose period is 01:01.
    May this pecial day and new month open to me joyful tubo awuse a happy success life filled with wealth,abudance and favour to me, through jesus the christ. Amen!

  3. Thank you Guardian Angel Elemiah🙏🙏🙏 I am grateful and feel humbled by your good news. I feel honoured to have you in my life. Thank you for positively changing my life.♥️🌹🫂

  4. Please My Angel help me we are fighting me and my Girlfriend she said she hate me, the Devil is Destroying My relationship 💔

  5. Thanks My Guardian angel Elemiah 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂♥️💙♥️💙♥️💙

  6. Thank you angel Elemiah…I have been wanting to isolate and find solitude to clear my mind. I feel a shift…yesterday someone whom I haven’t spoken to responded to my WhatsApp status, his in a committed marriage how does that play out. Who else could be in love with me.

    Lately u have been having issues with my daughter and I even stopped talking to her father…am I so imbalanced. What am I doing wrong. Help me angel elegiac….your message is timely and powerful yet I feel so lost 😢….please I need your help in every area of my life.

    I love my daughter so much to be so angry at her is painful…I just want that peace and love we shared to come back stronger…I am doing my best to support her…she has no idea just how far I am willing to go for her….Lord I am at your feet.

  7. Thankyou to my Angels for.protecting myself.and my family, thankyou for bringing and allowing prosperity to come into our lives, please protect my children in there future lives and help them thrive to be successful and happy,
    I have recently had a tarot reading and it said I neednto let go of my past and move forwards and I willet someone, I think this is clear conformation, thankyou 🙏

  8. Definitely fresh start in Business SBD-EA and fresh start in love SM… God may your will be done, not mine but yours,, and so it is.. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.. Amen and Amen

  9. Dear Angel , Please give me the opportunity to channel new ideas and thoughts which will change the world.. thank you for i know you will shower me and my family infinite abundance & prosperity. Please guard and protect our whole family. Bless my children to work & live permanently in australia or europe. Surround our family good and helpful people. Protect & dismiss my husband from sandiganbayan case. Please keep us safe from dangerous people who use dark forces or ideas, dark energies, black magic, Thank you

  10. Thank you so much angle Elemiah. This message resonates with me so much on all the levels mentioned above.

    I am greatful for that.


  11. Thank you guardian angel Elemiah,for the Devine creativity and Devine abundance and prosperity, thank you for a new start ..new beginnings…. amen

  12. Dear Angel , Please give me the opportunity to channel new ideas and thoughts which will change the world.. thank you for i know you will shower me and my family infinite abundance & prosperity. Please guard and protect our whole family. Bless and grant my children canadian student visa. Surround our family good and helpful people. Help erwin from attacks or doj and ombudsman. Please keep us safe from dangerous people who use dark forces or ideas, dark energies, black magic, Thank you

  13. Guardian Angel Elemiah, I thank you for guiding and encouraging me to make a new start on my path to success. I very much appreciate your divine protection and assistance in spreading my inner peace and managing my emotions. Bless and help me to soon manifest a divinely sent, productive and successful meeting, commitment, or confirmation. Banish all who would betray me. I am grateful for all that you bring into being. Amen.

  14. Thank you angels I claim and accept this angel number thank you for helping me making my dreams come true now

  15. Thank you so much my Angel I’m always relieved when You’ve sent me a message . I pray that God will bless my family and give us a new start in Jesus name amen 🙏

  16. 🙏Dear Angel, please free me and my family from any karmic negativities in past and present.. Thank you Angel Elemiah_ for guiding and blessing me to a successful life. May you bless also my family to live in Canada with joy, abundance and good health. That i may hit a jackpot in lottery with your help. Thank you and loveyou🙏

  17. Thank you archangel Elemiah and my guardian angel Aladiah. I’m so grateful for who I am today. I’ve been seeing this mirror hour so many times, I have no words to describe how I feel, I pray and meditate to connect with these beautiful angels and I’m so relieved. Don’t lose hope Jesus is always here.

  18. I love you so much my Guardian Angel Elemiah and Archangel Haniel. Appreciate the message and excited about the new changes and grateful for your presence, support and guidance.

  19. I pray and stop unconsciously at this time… And something just told me to Google the significance of it and behold I saw this..

  20. Thank you for this confirmation Angel Elemiah. Yesterday a prophet prophesied to me and told me that after I have completed my studies, I will be getting married. I receive this blessing and claim it. I AM manifesting a long and happy marriage. Thank you UNIverse. Blessings love and light to you all.

  21. Hehe. The angels have been giving me so much power recently. My tarot reading from a couple of months ago, says that I am due to meet somebody on the second Friday of this month. Few more days. Love you angels and God and Jesus and Mother Nature and Holy Spirit x x x

  22. I prayed for him daily,I wished one day he’ll show me his love,not just hurry up to get away;perhaps the day i waited for has come up.I still pray this happens!

  23. I saw this number today. As well as 2525. As well as many other numbers. Before these I was constantly seeing 1:11 and 11:11. I know what they all mean. That I need to use my gifts to help and and heal others while I’m in the 3rd density instead of isolating and living in fear. I am a healer, an empath, an indigo child, and have psychic abilities. I’ve written 2 books. I have been in a serious car accident and had an out of body experience days later where I received 3 important messages. Then I was in a wheelchair for 3 months and had an extreme spiritual awakening which showed me that life is just a series of synchronicities. I also am a recovered drug addict, but because of my addiction I had to have 3 open heart surgeries and was in the hospital for 3 months each time. I’ve been arrested and had to detox in jail. I mean.. could go on and on. I helped my grandmother pass over. I struggle with a severe eating disorder. As you can see…. I just suffer… like anyone else in the world…. But because I do… I just want to be able to use my suffering to assist others and help them through whatever they might be struggling with. So if anyone has any ideas or anything to help me get my information out there please let me know. I just have been getting all these signs and am just trying to reach out in any way I can. Please if anyone can help in anyway just let me know. Thank you so much. Bless you all. Love to everyone!!!!

  24. A guy I had a strong connection with just texted me. We haven’t spoken in months but yesterday, he texted me a long paragraph about how he missed what he had and how he can’t get me out of his head. His text left me with a lot of emotions because I feel like he might hurt me in a way but I miss him too and that’s when I saw the 01:01 sign.

  25. Thanks. This message sent by angels I really could understand where I need to work and put my heart in.
    Thanks for showing me the way

  26. I started to see mirror hours 2 years ago. Seen 01:01, 21:21, 02:02, 02:20 and so on. I see these numbers every day. Strange! Today I thought finally something I haven’t thought in ages.
    – I am FREE! Free to decide over my life myself. I have been selfsabotaging mysel saying it doesn’t matter, it’s too late, better safe than risks, I must think of others. The thing is Nobody cares of ME. I must take care of myself finally.. I am FREE!

  27. It’s been a whole year I’ve been coming onto mirrorhour every single day for my messages now! And everytime I’m reading i feel like I’m talking to the angel and it’s out there looking for me!!
    Thank you so much!

  28. I am happy and grateful. Super ready for love, new business opportunities and property purchases.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.

  29. In a frustrating moment of life that is like a nightmare for me and deep emotional problems that I can not control, I suddenly asked for help from the universe. When I opened my eyes to see the clock on my phone, this clock appeared 01:01

  30. Thank you my angel, I am waiting patiently for this person to show up, I can feel in my blood indeed love is in the air. Help me accept and never doubt or undermine myself. I am ready.

  31. I just went on a first date last night, couldnt be this guy in love with me since we just met right? I’m thinking if someone is in love with me it would have to come from my circle of friends I’m guessing? Hmm very hard to say I don’t socialize much these days.

  32. Going to get a job today with this… not sure about the new relationship, there’s this guy that I have just met, we have a deep connection, that what I feel. My problem is that he is with someone… I’m not ready to put myself in a situationship! If we’re meant for each other. I believe we will find a way to each other’s arms. No third party

  33. Definitely a property transaction, I literally just finished looking at possible properties,, thank you so much my God for spearheading my guardian Angels to be with me for divine protection and success.. Namaste

  34. 💕Announcement about property transactions is definitely my take, as well as the leadership qualities too, cause an huge opportunity was just presented to me by God, thank you so much my guardian angels and ArcAngels for always being by my side. I love and respect you so much.

  35. My guardian angel and protector Elemiah the message was so captivating. But plz help me to keep a balance in my emotional life. Help me to assert myself b4 setting out for my love life.

  36. Thank you Guardian Angel Elemaih
    I receive your message and the blessing of your presence
    Make things happen.

  37. First time on 01:01 mirror hr
    I am planning a new project! Its amazing!
    Thank you angels and my Michael friend and beloved Archangel.
    I humble accept all your love and protection also any gift from all of you!
    Thank you, thank you thank you.
    (Saw you these past days in those beautiful yellow butterflies!!)

  38. Career wise things are changing opportunity coming my way things falling into place..my bf told me he loves me so much i could really feel he met it

  39. How do i know who that person is ? Like ive got one in mind but am i in that persona mind because this is like the 3rd time seeing 01:01

    Please angels send me a sign

  40. This is amazing I sure do have strong intuition as I’m cancerian sun and yes soo much good things are coming my way truly blessed who knows but I’m predicting I will be marrying my husband to be one day mark my words truly greatful and happy for those who are doing well and seeking only good intentions and myself for improving my life and letting go of my toxic past in such a happy place thanking you for this vital information

  41. Wow! Cannot explain this, but it seems like youre not alone, many ppl see mirror numbers and im one of them. I think its a kind of sign to dont take the things on serious, i feel its a positive sign, but depends of how u felt, good or bad? weird? Maybe it means destiny? Some kind of dissapoint? confusion? or love? hope u find the way n dont worry. I believe that someone help us by this, maybe its our otherside fam, angels? idk, never thought about it seriously, things changes after some time, hope we will find the true one day.

  42. (True Story)

    I had a dream that I was with my friend and we were walking around the park. (He is a boy and I’m a girl) and then this big group of people starting coming up to me and asking questions that I couldn’t understand. Suddenly they all shrank and disappeared and a middle aged woman was standing in front of my friend and me. She winked at us both and said “01 01” and then flew away. Does this mean anything?

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