04:04 Meaning

Here you will gain a complete understanding of the meaning behind the mirror hour 04:04. If you have been witness to a synchronicity, it is completely normal to try to understand what it is trying to tell you. Indeed, the subconscious is able to perceive signs that our conscious mind does not.

A mirror hour is one of these signs, and they can have several meanings. It could mean that you are currently in a period of serious reassessment. Or it could be that an angel or an entity is trying to send you an important message about your future or the future of those close to you.

Mirror Hour Oracle >>

Here you will learn the meaning of the mirror hour 04:04. To do this we are going to make an interpretation with the help of the guardian angels of Kabbalah. We are also going to provide you with the symbolism of 04:04 with the help of numerology as well as the Tarot of Marseilles, which is the most-used divination tool in the area of fortune-telling.

Significance of 04:04 with the Guardian Angels

The guardian angels are indicating here that on the physical level you are going to enter a period of being in top shape. If you are currently facing health problems, the angels are giving you strong indications that you will overcome these challenges. They will give you strength and help you to find the motivation you need inside yourself to take care of your body.

You have an admiration for the beauty of nature. You believe that the Earth should be protected and you do what is needed to change the way of the world, as well as to change the hearts and minds of others. You have a strong connection with the environment and you do everything you can to respect the natural cycles of creation! The angels will help you to finish your undertakings, especially those connected with nature or agriculture which show respect towards the environment.

Through the hour 04:04, the angels also want to tell you that you have the power necessary to take on big responsibilities. You are someone who is in a position to bring people together, and you are not scared to exercise your power! A career in politics would certainly be foreseeable because you know how to convince people, even those who weren’t prepared to listen to you at first.

This mirror hour shows a strong connection with the angelic world. If you feel that you are not going to be able to reach some of your goals, you can ask the help of the angels. They will make sure to help you overcome the challenges and obstacles which loom ahead of you, especially if you bring positivity and comfort to the lives of the people around you.

Mirror Hour 04:04 Meaning Love

The 04:04 time is to some extent considered the signal of protection and guide not only in the spiritual understanding of the word but also for the close relationship between the partners.

The hour stresses the very necessity: to feel supported and guided either by the universe, by spiritual forces, or inside the very core of your relationship.

Inviting your awareness to that protection and opening for guidance, which would help with the difficult landscape of love.

Protection and Spiritual Guidance

The 04:04 gives the warning that one is not searching in solitude for real love. Such an hour ensures that there is spiritual guidance and protection in love relationships.

That prayer supports one to be guided and reveals what the signs and messages of the divine beings are, enabling a person to take decisions knowingly, proceeding with confidence on the way of love.
Be open to receive these guidances, whether in a great coincidence, a sudden intuition, or even in a casual meeting, and use these as beacons on your love path.

Mutual support and trust

04:04 highlights the fundamental importance of mutual support, trust and emotional security in any loving relationship.

They give the motivation to "create a space where you both feel safe speaking your heart out, sharing vulnerabilities, and supporting each other in moments of doubt and joy".

Such is very important in building up and nurturing such a foundation of trust on which a more durable relationship will be based, one where each partner feels appreciated and valued.

Intuitive Listening and Communication

04:04 also calls you to develop your skills in intuitive listening and develop communication in your relationship. From attentive, empathic, and intuitive listening, you will be attuned to the needs, desires, and hope of your partner.

Each time you look at this clock, it should remind you of the open and honest communication that is required when you tell each other everything without fear, sharing of thoughts and feelings, and constructively solving your conflicts.

The very skills that, when developed, will strengthen your relationship, develop intimacy, and build a partnership that can tackle anything together.

Angelic Interpretation of the Hour 04:04

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The guardian angel corresponding with 04:04 is Yezalel whose influence extends from 04:00 to 04:20. He is the symbol of understanding and harmony. He brings you reconciliation and fulfillment in a romantic relationship. He will follow you in all of your undertakings and guide you in making sure that they succeed.

You can call upon him if you face problems in your emotional life. He brings you the open-mindedness necessary to resolve conflicts. He also gives you a high intelligence and a strong memory. This will open doors for you in training or advanced studies.

Influence of the Archangels on 04:04

Hours: From 04:00 to 05:00 – Archangel: Raphael – Planetary Energy: The Sun

Hours: From 04:00 to 05:00 – Archangel: Gabriel – Planetary Energy: The Moon

Hours: From 04:00 to 05:00 – Archangel: Camael – Planetary Energy: Mars

Hours: From 04:00 to 05:00 – Archangel: Michael – Planetary Energy: Mercury

Hours: From 04:00 to 05:00 – Archangel: Zadkiel – Planetary Energy: Jupiter

Hours: From 04:00 to 05:00 – Archangel: Haniel – Planetary Energy: Venus

Hours: From 04:00 to 05:00 – Archangel: Zaphkiel – Planetary Energy: Saturn

What does 04:04 mean in Numerology?

The total value of the mirror hour 04:04 is 8. This number shows that you are sensitive to the cycles of existence. Life is made up of highs and lows and you should take the time to find your balance. If you don't find a way to manage the disruptive events on your life path, you risk being unable to reach the stability that you have been searching so hard for.

The number 8 is a symbol of strength! It represents success in the material and financial worlds, and success in some major undertakings thanks to an unfailing motivation. You’re not scared of anything! Your physical capabilities are undeniable which makes you a person to be respected. But you should remain humble; you sometimes have a tendency to try to dominate others by any means necessary. This can be viewed poorly.

You have a gift for managing your affairs and success in the professional world is practically inevitable. You are certainly a role model in a management setting and you are good at motivating your troops! Although you sometimes lack precision you have an ability to see the big picture of the things around you. This allows you to come up with long-term solutions which have sometimes never been thought of before.

But the number 8 is also a warning! Too much success has the power to change you! You should always take care not to become too proud, as this can make you intolerant or even domineering. If you manage to channel your determination into helping others you will achieve outstanding results!

Connection between 04:04 and the Tarot

The Tarot card corresponding to 04:04 is the Emperor! This arcanum of the Tarot of Marseilles embodies prowess. Its presence in your reading suggests that you are going to have to take on big responsibilities. He symbolizes strength and reliability! He helps you to build your future and ensures the success of your endeavors.

The Emperor is a sign of strong authority. He shows your ability to bring good things into every aspect of your life! He brings you the stability you need to assure yourself of success. For many, you will be a symbol of righteousness and prowess. This card can also mean that a powerful person will protect you.

Unfortunately, an Emperor is also synonymous with a dictator! In this case it can mean that you are going to encounter problems with someone who has the potential to abuse their authority and who risks getting in the way of you achieving your goals.

The Emperor brings security and well-being in a romantic relationship. He expresses the validation of feelings and a strong fidelity between partners, a beautiful love story!


In work, he offers responsibilities and the exercise of power. If you show righteousness you should reach the position you seek.


When it comes to money you will have total success. You are going to gain access to the financial security that you have been searching for for so long!

Any comment on the 04:04 mirror hour?

100 responses to “04:04”

  1. God has my back. I have his. God is going to call on me to lead. Somehow. Some way. I know it. I just do not know how. The message could not be clearer.

  2. I thank the goddess Gaia for the creation of this planet and all the energy and nature and the guiding angels
    I also thank the universe and the universe for their power

  3. Namaste, so thankful for have woken up and saw 04:04 and just before I woke up, my love wrote me in my dream telling he is happy to hear from me and for me. Waaw, what a gift. This is a sign we will reconcile soon in the physical.
    Thank you guardian Angel 🙏🏼😇
    Much love ❤️

  4. Thank you for all this explanation and realisation thanks to God the greatest for making this true and possible 🫶🍀🥳 I am so happy and grateful for all this and I will contribute most 🫶

  5. Felt a complete boom!! Of energy hitting my body I know for sure I’m here for something I feel to much! So thank you god for everything you do for I love you so much, I’ll continue to listen I’m on my way and ready for what’s next🙏

  6. Thank you my guardian angel Yezalel I pray to my ONE and only
    first GOD the first creator of all creator’s that these written words become true and to be put in action with the help,support , protection, guidance, creativity, and A strong foundation in all aspects of richness,love,health,life ,materials, physical and resources. In God name AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Thank you angel yezalel , please continue to protect and guide me so that I can bring fruit in to my garden as well as the gardens of my family . Friends . And anyone else that my fruit would reach !

  8. I love you angels. I am nearly ready 🙂 I’m so excited to make you proud. Thank you for every single thing that you do for me everyday. God bless you all x x x

  9. Thanks so much my lovely guardian angel,I plead that you always be with me,lead me to the right part/way,help me achieve all my good aims,help me never to lack what I will use to help people and change life from bad to good,motivate people and lead people into the right way,help me in my weakness and never allow it to spoil good things for me and all..
    Direct me in all that I do in Jesus name, Amen

  10. Thank you angel Yazelel, I ask for your constant support and protection in all I do and always help reconcile me with others.

  11. Thank you angels for your on going support and communication. I am constantly trying to make the world a better place, and you make it possible for me to do that. I love you so much. x

    • Thank you angels for your on going support and communication. I am constantly trying to make the world a better place, and you make it possible for me to do that. I love you so much. x

  12. Thank you Angels I wanted to know this its so to the point perfect divin timming ,health matters and love relationship healing Im so grateful Im going to stand for nature and peace no matter what allwais let love lead its all with forgiveness we can correct mistskes and transcend errors with love dibin love Im so gratefull love and light to all the comentators I enjoyed reading you along .be abundantly blessed.

  13. This one really resonates with me on every level–you guys really have some talented writers! Since becoming fascinated with world mythology, I have felt a strong and familiar connection to the Irish mythological hero Cú Chulainn, and this angel number description brought my mind back to him and those parts of myself both the good and the things to keep in check.

  14. Thank you Guardian Angel Yezalel for your help in reassessing my life and in overcoming all challenges and obstacles and also for now being able to finish all my undertakings from this moment onward. I look forward to having the required strength and stamina as I attempt to get my body into top shape. I have the power. I am not afraid. I wish to bring positivity and comfort to all around me and to take care of my environment. With your guidance and encouragement I will succeed. I am grateful for all that I have and for your continued presence, assistance, and kindness. Amen.

  15. To the Angels and mother of nature my loving people keep blessing me thank you! Thank you! Thank you! AMEN!

    • Thank you for showing up at the right moment angel Yazelel, I am in total awe of the presence of angels that are coming through for me, I believe in this moment, guide me into righteousness, give me strength. Let me undertake all tasks with you on my side, I have seen God, the positivity and reward from the universe is truly amazing, I have love and life in abundance. Success is my life, I receive today and everyday the guidance and wisdom of God through the angels.

  16. My son woke me and he is asleep and when I looked at the time it was 4:04 and it’s not the first time it’s happened like this, thank you my Angel’s for watching over me and helping me to realize I needed to find meanings and direction thank you again

  17. I am ready to receive my success,,, I am ready to empower and bring about growth and change in our community and in people’s lives. I am ready for my financial freedom. I am grateful indeed.

  18. Thanks 👍😊 angels,am smiling full of blessings 💐,thank universe,the angels are around me always on number plates ,my phone time, reading on billboards,surely I can’t complain,I get double numbers,triple,wuadribles,I have all they provided for me,thank u n thank u so so so much.

  19. Absolute ❤️
    I know my instinct don’t lie to me
    Thanks for this wonderful inspiration
    Am motivated

  20. Dont thank the angels,instead send salutations to the angels.
    Praise is only for almighty LORD (ALLAH,RAHMAN,RAHEEM…)
    All of these come from THE ALMIGHTY GOD,he is the source.Angels are messengers… cute lovely pure messengers 😘
    So in any case pray to GOD,not angels.
    May Lord bless us all
    love you guys 😍😍

  21. Thank you yezalel I really needed this right now please let good things come to me I pray thank you all my angels xx❤️

  22. Thank you. I am regularly following mirrorhour as it is very precise and I have not got such from any other mirror hour websites.

  23. Thank you, to my angels for your kind words, light and peace to all . I pray, “ thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus Christ. Amen

  24. Well I haven’t seen 404!in a while except the other day come up think of it when you get redirected to a 404 page that says the web page your looking for no longer exists- lol today however I was relaying something to an angel in a jest- I pointed to my teeth that are in dire need of help and laughed pointed up at invisible being and said I need help, and chucked and pointed to my mouth again- it was seconds later I glanced at the time on my cell phone and it was 4:04! And I thought, gee this is one I’ve never looked up- and whalah! What an answer I received! Lolol They really do listen!

  25. Wow I loved it.As I was reading through I had a communication with my Angels and they said tomorrow they will fully open my gift .When I said thank you, they said no , thank you .Im so happy and blessed.Angel 0404 is on point.

  26. Yezalel please pour my soul with all the qualities you have in order for the will of Father to be done in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

  27. Thanx for the gift of life and comfirmation on this journey in or of my life💕🌟🙏. Gat no doubt everytime I get more strong and stronger due to the messeges my Guardian Angels brings to me. Thanx so much and may this spiritual journey continues and i’m ready to recieve every guidance from above 💚🌻💕

  28. I was born oct 29 1988 at 4:04pm I believe that I have a greater purpose and I pray that the Yezalel guides me on my journey.

  29. Thanks for these beautiful words of encouragement, I really do appreciate it. I do believe and have so much faith that this will come through.

  30. Thanks for your beautiful material I read this at 04:04 am and have watched it many times and hope it will always be with me in positive lives

  31. Thank you for the information, I woke out of my sleep last night to see 04:04 on the clock face and somehow I knew there was a strong message there for me!

  32. Good morning
    I always knew 8 meant something and have it always included in my important numbers… this has been for many lives..*+*+
    Something good is about to happen 💴♥️💋😎

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