Have you accidentally come across a triple mirror hour like 11:18 before? Have you ever been alerted to the continued reappearance of the same hour? Have your eyes ever landed on your watch just at the exact right moment? Could this be a mystery, luck, a coincidence...?
If this has happened to you now or has happened to you in the past, be aware that nothing in life happens by accident. There can be many possibilities as to why these mirror hours appear to us repeatedly but the most common and most consistent reasons are that: your guardian angel is sending you a message, you are receiving answers that you have been waiting for, your subconscious is in need of enlightenment, or a person or entity is trying to get in contact with you.
If you have come across the triple mirror hour 11:18 its interpretation can to a large extent depend on the question you are currently asking yourself or on the worries that are filling your mind at this moment in time. This hour is a reflection of your soul at the exact moment that you came across it and you should take the time to reflect upon its true significance so as to be able to fully understand its meaning. To do this you can make use of an interpretation of the guardian angels or of an analysis of numerology.
Significance of 11:18 with the Guardian Angels
By showing you the triple mirror hour 11:18 regularly the guardian angel Lehahiah is telling you that he will bring you servitude and support but only on the condition that you work hard as well as work with diligence, humility, organization, discipline, and respect. He encourages teamwork and will establish an atmosphere of trust, respect, and stability. Thanks to everything he offers you, you will have no difficulty winning the benevolence of your superiors.
This angel of strength and work also wants to let you know that he will help you find security of employment, a promotion, a prestigious award, and/or social recognition. He is also telling you that he will give you an awareness of the chain of command, a sense of trust, and a mind for business, while also renewing your determination. Thanks to him you will have a physical and mental strength which will help you to build up your professional career.
Lehahiah is also using the triple mirror hour 11:18 to tell you that his help will be of use in conquering resistance, brutality, deceit, and bad impulses. He will also be at your side to help counteract underhandedness and to evade conspiracies and confrontations. He will protect you from anything which might get in the way of your social or spiritual improvement, or stop you from advancing up the ranks.
The angel Lehahiah is telling you that in every task you take on he will give you a great amount of perseverance and patience. He will be with you in all of your life accomplishments as well as bring peace into your heart and mind and give you the ability to forgive others.
Angel of good fortune and calm, Lehahiah is telling you that you have an incredible amount of luck and that he will give you his help and support to calm your rage and the temper of those around you. He will also guide you towards understanding the work of the divine and all the laws which it is made up of. What’s more he will help you to understand the meaning of true divine justice.

What does 11:18 mean in Numerology?

In connection with the triple mirror hour 11:18, in numerology the number 29 is a bringer of messages intended specifically for you. You should know that this angel number is beneficial in helping you to succeed in all of your projects as well as carrying out all of your unique endeavors. He is indicating that you have a great capacity to inspire, invent, and create. In general all the things you take on will be met with positive results.
The number 29 also brings with it different kinds of benefits such as generosity, enlightenment, and power. These are positive character traits which will make you an altruistic person who loves coming to the aid of others as you are easily affected by the problems of those close to you. However the number could also point towards strong emotional tensions; you should learn to master these to avoid complicated situations and problems.
The angel number 29 tells you that you are a role model for those around you. You are a leader, an idealist, and a visionary. You know what you want from early on and you are guided by your instinct. With energy and determination you can accomplish great things. You are the kind of person who dreams big and who is unafraid to accomplish their dreams.
Through the triple mirror hour 11:18 the numerology of the number 29 also suggests that you are an intelligent and calm person who doesn’t get annoyed easily. However this number also warns you that you should learn to control your aloof side. At the same time you should not try to be overly independent as this could damage your career even if you are in the position to manage your own business.
This number also indicates that you are an intense person and that you enjoy the strong sensations that come with things like traveling, adventures, extreme sports, and any other activity which makes you feel alive.
Multumesc. M-am uitat la 11:18 in ziua de 29.07.2022, deci am un dublu de 29.
Thank you very much. 🍎🤗💕💐🕉️
I started seeing the time 11:18 for the past one year after the lockdown started, whenever I would slide down the notification center unwantedly or to see if I have any reminder or messages, I would see this time. The first time I saw this I felt something and then just left it because I thought my mind was playing with me then later onwards after seeing this for like 3 months every 3-4 days, I started thinking why this time is often appearing and then again I thought to myself I was being very weird and left it. Now, 9 MONTHS later I got curious, tired and felt like there was something behind this time and when I type it up in google, this is what I get, an angel guardian is trying to communicate with me that I am (a few adjectives that are used to tell good about a person).
I have been seeing this number for years. On the clock, when I pause a film, the exp. Date on my bank card. Everywhere!
It’s my birthday and I see it acouple times a week
Thank you very much sending love ❤️❤️❤️❤️ God’s Jesus Christ Budda Angel Archangel my Guardian Angel love ❤️❤️❤️ Love
Its also my birthday and i see it all the damn time.
This is actually my birthday too, I see it way too often. At night usually but it all makes sense now! Good read!
This number has been showing up for the last several weeks and because I see many mirror hours a day, it can get confusing as to which number is the one I needed to pay close attention to. I’ve had a rough few weeks spiritually and emotionally so when I saw this number today on houses, twice on the clock and again when I paused my video I was watching, I knew this was the one I needed to read. True to form it was nearly word for word exactly how I was feeling and what my challenges have been. So I thank you, my angel and Source for making sure I read this tonight. Love and light 🙏
Thank you