Here you will find the meaning of 15:55! There’s no denying that numbers are a universal language. The universe uses them to communicate with us so when you see a mirror hour yourself above all do not make the mistake of ignoring it. Each one has a significance, a message behind it that is meant only for you.

It could be that your guardian angel is trying to get in contact with you, that someone is currently thinking of you, that your subconscious is sending you a message, that these are answers to questions you have been thinking about, or that an entity wants to communicate.

Mirror Hour Oracle >>

If you have been seeing the triple mirror hour 15:55 regularly, do not wait too long before finding out what it means. To find out what is hidden behind this hour you can use an interpretation of the guardian angels or an analysis using numerology.

Significance of 15:55 with the Guardian Angels

The guardian angel Mihael represents premonition and love. By showing you the triple mirror hour 15:55 on a regular basis he is telling you that he will give you the gift of perception. With this you will constantly feel as though you are having premonitions. He will also spread within you the gift of clairvoyance which is what will improve your skills of perception, but beyond this he will also give you a great amount of both inner and outer peace.

Mihael is telling you that he will bring love and fidelity into your romantic life. Thanks to him peace, harmony, and calm will reign in the life you share with your partner. In case you are facing problems such as quarrels, fights, feelings of possessiveness, dependence, jealousy, or infidelity, this guardian angel who is your patron and protector will bring you unity. With Mihael’s power it will be easy for your relationship to reach its destiny.

He also wants you to know that he will make your sexual activities fertile and divine. You will need this if you are currently trying to have a child. With him you will be protected from infertility and problems conceiving a child. He will help you to create a being with a wonderful soul. Do not forget that he is the guardian angel of fertility and fruitfulness and that he watches over both development and the reproduction itself.

Through the triple mirror hour 15:55 the guardian angel Mihael is telling you that he will help you find your way especially when your own inner light is insufficient. He will help you to reconnect with this light and bring you peace and love while also showing you the right path to take. He will also support you in the pursuit of balance in your life.

You should also know that the angel Mihael will help you if you are currently living your life in darkness. He will also come to the aid of wayward souls as well as those who are stuck between worlds. He will be with you to help you find light in the place where you are truly meant to be. He will protect you from all kinds of fear and will fill your life with confidence once again. He is also reassuring you that he will always be beside you to give you guidance and to point you in the right direction. You no longer have to worry about anything at all.

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What does 15:55 mean in Numerology?

When linked with the triple mirror hour 15:55 the numerology of the number 70 is letting you know that you have a high level of intuition when it comes to both situations and people. It will also provide you with a strong ability to conduct research and analysis. This number will be very helpful in collaborations and alliances. It is also the mark of final achievements. It will help you to broaden your horizons and heighten your awareness.

If you are in a relationship, the angel number 70 suggests you will have a happy romantic life. It brings better communication between people in love. It embodies both love and positivity. It wants you to live a life filled with happiness and joy beside the person who makes your heart beat faster.

The number 70 points towards money, work, creativity, innovation, judicial proceedings, and intellect. You are of an emotional and devoted nature and you always have the desire to pass on and share your knowledge and experiences with others. This makes you an extraordinary individual. You dream of a better world but you aren’t just a dreamer, you are also the perfect partner in all areas of life.

In angelic numerology the number 70 also tells you that once you have reached the end of your path you know how to get what you want, learn new things, and provide for others. You are an idealist and an optimist but you also have a high interest in humanity, in both its flaws and its strengths. Your optimism opens your mind to the world and to others while also increasing your awareness and your intelligence. Many people admire you for this.

Through the triple mirror hour 15:55 the number 70 also shows that you have a strong tendency to delude yourself, and sometimes it is up to the people around you to intervene and bring you back down to Earth before you end up flying too close to the sun. But you mustn’t worry because your guardian angel who is your patron and protector will always be with you to bring you his support. This will be extremely valuable.

Any comment on the 15:55 mirror hour?

54 responses to “15:55”

  1. Thank you Angel Mihael….I receive and claim this powerful message. Yes I am hoping for a child and I know you will be by my side. Thank you for guiding me, please be with me and my daughter and the relationship that is meant to bring love peace and harmony into my life. Please guide me to the right man. In Jesus sus name amen

  2. Exactly what I want to hear. I receive with my all and let it be so. Thank you my heavenly divine🙏

  3. Thank you Mihael for your message ensuring my protection. I appreciate this. 🙏
    Regards Kate

  4. Thank you all involved. Thank you dear Angel for the Blessings, much appreciated but don’t focus on relationship with man please.
    I am happy with what I have in that department. All the rest please find I accept these. Thank you so much. I really Love Heaven and all and everything Heavenly goodxxxxxxx💕🥰😇🙏💕🥰😇🙏💕🥰😇🙏

  5. Bro, the numerical section described me to 99% percent, I don‘t believe in these kind of things normally but I am an idealist who heavily relies on intuition and analytical skills to get through life. My emotions are chaos especially when I dream too much.
    I once had a great love for learning, knowledge and wisdom, but somewhere along this pre-destined path in this cowardly, immoral society I lost it. Now I only see darkness and fear the light as it reminds me of melancholic, nostalgic times. I don‘t trust, not even myself or things that are taken by other people for granted. Reality is not what is seems (seemeth)….

  6. Thank you Angel MICHAEL 🎇🕊😇am Blessed by the Grace of Almighty to have you beside me Amen 🎇🕊😇l give thanks to our Lord Almighty and all the Angels of G-d Thank you Lord 🙏🏽🤗

  7. Thank you Angel Mihael .. thank you that you available to me and my family. I receive this powerful powerful revelations and i accept your presence in my life and that of my daughter and family including her father. I am in as new relationship and I thank you for placing such a wonderful man in my life who only wants what’s best for me. I thank the almighty God for choosing me for his kingdom. I think you through the holy spirit and the power of Christ in Jesus name amen

  8. Dear angel Mihael,
    Kindly bless me and my family with protections against the attacks of evilness and any evil forms. Bless us always with light of abundance, progress and manifestation of prosperity in life. Protect us from evil doing and negative people. Surround us with positive helpful people. Shower me and my family with love, joy, and forgiveness. Surround us with profitable friends. Bless all our projects will progress abundantly. Protect us from evil curses. Thank you. Love you

  9. Thank you angel Michael, I receive ands aim this in Jesus name. I thank you angel Michael that you are watching over me and my child in Jesus name. Thank you for bringing peace in my relationship and bringing me harmony. Don’t let me delude myself always being me to my humility and always watch over in all I do. Thank you for this message. Bless. I invoke you angel Michael right now show me more signs about me Steve and Atan. Who will I settle with in Jesus name amen.

  10. I got the notification that my cancer is cured at 15:55 (very holy, I am daunted to even spell it out), I feel like the angels helped making this possible. thank you all for this great message. bless🙏

  11. Dear Angel Mihael, please guide me and my husband in pursuit of fair trial. Protect my children from any judicial trials. Bless my children to be granted Canadian Student Visa. Bless us with abundance. Thank you Angel.

  12. I didn’t even know this was a mirror number. Super grateful for the Angel’s optimism, premonition and love.

  13. Thank you so much for this website.
    I use it with a pendulum to get right to the parts that concerns me and it is very, very useful. Thank you.

  14. I’m feeling so blessed to read this beautiful message.

    Thank you my angels and the universe 🙏🙏🙏

  15. Thank you for your interpretation, very interesting and encouraging.
    Very happy to have read that.x

  16. Thank you so much Angeles for this message. I am really fortune to get this messages from you all. Thank you for care and standing beside me. Thank you for remembering me. Love you so much.

  17. Loving the meaning reading of this number 🙏🏼 I’ve been seeing it a lot lately 💜 certainly on point with me at this moment in time 💜

  18. Wow, so this is not the first time seeing this mirror hour, and also not the first time reading about this mirror hour on this page. BUT it’s the first time I read one sentence: “ that someone is currently thinking of you.” And right before seeing this mirror hour I had a feeling someone was thinking about me today and also yesterday. I am sure the angels have something great coming for me. Thank you.

  19. I’ve asked the lord for so many things, few was like of clairvoyant, conceiving,peace and happiness.. My husband and I have a good relationship no doubt about that thank God but we would love to have children. When I read this it all fell in place and I just want to give praise and glory to my God 🙏 Lord I pray for supernatural and blessings and babies on the way in Jesus powerful name 🙏

  20. April 2020 with this virus going on it will keep my relationship strong and good health. Thank you 🙏🏽💜

  21. Angel Mihael please give me the gift of perception and clairvoyance. On the other hand, please give me your divine great amount of inner and outer peace in the name of JESUS CHRIST, amen.

  22. So happy right now!!! 🥰
    As it happens, I felt a little unhappy today …
    Thanks a lot for such a great message 😘

  23. I’ve been seeing all kinds of mirror reversed and tripple numbers since 1,5 years now but i never truly dared they could really mean something or even be meant as a message for Me. I finally found this beautiful website and finally can translate the supporting messages that have been trying to reach me. It made me cry to read this one and it really got into my heart, I felt seen loved and supported in exactly the fields where I really need support right now.
    I thank now
    with all my heart
    all the beautiful souls that were so strong and courageous to follow their path and created this website!
    Thanks to your efforts I now can find peace and support

    Thank you!


  24. Feeling the blessings and abundance flowing into my life continuously with ease
    Thank you Thank you thank you

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